Gisela Dachs (Author)

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Gisela Dachs is a publicist and journalist for publications that include die ZEIT, for which she has been the Israel correspondent since 1994. She studied literature and philosophy in Paris and spent a few years as editor of the French daily paper Liberation.

Books she has published include “Getrennte Welten. Israelische und palästinensische Lebensgeschichten” (Separate worlds. Israeli and Palestinian life stories.). As of 2000 she has also been responsible for publication of the “Jüdischer Almanach” (Jewish Almanac; Jüdischer Verlag/Suhrkamp) on behalf of the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem. She wrote the book “Israel kurzgefasst” (Israel in brief) for the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education in 2010. She lives in Tel Aviv.