Tefen Open Museum

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© Goethe-Institut

Industry and culture combined – this is the motto of the Open Museum that forms the cultural section of the Tefen Industrial Park near Kfar Vradim. It was designed in 1982 by entrepreneur Stef Wertheimer, whose German is still a little reminiscent of his place of birth, Kippenheim in Baden. He emigrated to Palestine in 1936 with his parents as a ten year-old boy. Tefen is his life’s work.

© Goethe-Institut

The Open Museum consists of museum buildings, a gallery and a sculpture park. There is an exhibition of vintage cars, the garden contains more than 100 works by famous Israeli sculptors such as Micha Ullman, Menashe Kadishman and Yigal Tumarkin. Furthermore the only Yekkes Museum in the country is situated here. It tells their story through furniture, books and films spread over two floors.

Report about the Open Museum (German)

Report about the Open Museum (German)

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Report about the Open Museum (Hebrew)

Report about the Open Museum (Hebrew)

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German Traces in Israel

A project by the Goethe-Institut Israel

Author: Gisela Dachs

Photos: Noa Ben-Shalom