The end of the Templers / A good address

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The end of the Templers

The year 1948 put an end to the existence of both population groups. During the Israeli War of Independence the Arabs fled or were driven out; many Templers had already been expelled by the British because of their widespread sympathies for National Socialism. After the state was founded in May the last Templers had to leave the country as well.

© Goethe-Institut

A good address

Today you move into the “German Colony” if you set great store by a good address. Diplomats, foreign correspondents, foundations have moved into the old Templer houses, which are considerably valuable properties. But above all it is a neighbourhood favoured by immigrants from the United States. In any case you predominantly hear English spoken in the jewellery and fashion shops as well as in the restaurants.

Report about the German Colony (German)

Report about the German Colony (German)

fileISRAEL MP3 008.jpg

Report about the German Colony (Hebrew)

Report about the German Colony (Hebrew)

fileISRAEL MP3 008.jpg

German Traces in Israel

A project by the Goethe-Institut Israel

Author: Gisela Dachs

Photos: Noa Ben-Shalom